Research Excursions

What Is This?

This page is a collection of all of the research excursions that I've done so far for this class. Mostly for recording purposes, it allows for easier perusal of the work that I've done in this course.

Home Fire: The Hijab

In this research excursion, I explored the idea of the hijab in modern contexts, specifically for British Muslims. I also compared my findings to the appearance of the hijab in Home Fire, specifically in Isma, Eamonn, and Parvaiz's sections.

Antigone: Animal Sacrifice

This research excursion was based on the failed sacrifice scene in Antigone. I researched the types of sacrifice in ancient Greek culture and the meaning of a failed or rejected sacrifice.

Hayy Ibn Yaqzān: Islamic Golden Age and Mathematics

For this research excursion, I looked into mathematical development during (and slightly after) the Islamic golden age. I also reflected on how this research and new knowledge added to my understanding of Hayy Ibn Yaqzān as a golden age text.

There There: Berry Pudding with Bannock Bread

For this, I chose to do an alternate research excursion and try to make a Cheyenne recipe, which was a blueberry sauce on top of a dense bread.

The Secret River: Aboriginal Tribes

For this research excursion, I looked at the tribe that actually lived on the Hawkesbury, along with what exactly happened in comparison to how it was portrayed in The Secret River

Equiano: Runaway Slave Ads

In this research excursion, I used archived ads regarding escaped slaves to compare the monetary value given to slaves to the price Equiano paid for his freedom.